Thursday, March 29, 2007

Does Love Do It 2 You

Weekends are off for me. Work hard for five days, long hours and plenty of tasks looking forward to spend two days chilling. I do whatever I want to. Washing up is the usual. Occassionally friends drop in and we talk about what's happening in our lives, discuss any problems, watch footy and play PS2. Life is cool so far.

Some weekends are not like others. I contemplate when I am alone. Thinking about her. Imagining how she would be spending her time. Girls huh! Reading love stories, listening to music, chatting with each other about latest handbag or their all time favourite Retail Therapy - shopping. But the thought of her sometimes just haunts me. She is a known stranger to me. I know her in some ways, but total stranger in plenty. I don't know if she even likes me or not, but I know that I do. Clearity prevails along with fear. I wonder even if I ask her out or even just confess to her that I like you, what would be the outcome?
And that's where my wise mate comes in saying -
"Life is too short and then you die!"
Makes me wonder as well as worry that does love only last as long as this body does?

Is end of Life end of Love? My heart disagrees to believe that and instincts shout to me that you will love her forever. But in all this apprehension what should I be doing? Confess to her that I like you and am crazy about you, she might turn around and say no. But that would not stop me loving her. Love to me is a timeless and priceless feeling that is cherished within the soul and not the body, prevails within the spirit and not within the brain.

Someone whom I want to be with. Spend hours chatting and knowing her. Make her laugh. Want to understand her, rather than everyone who expects others to understand them. Unconditional friendship is what I would love to have between us.
But hey these are just lovely thoughts which bring a smile on my face, reality sits just opposite to me smiling back at me saying - "Dear I am still here."

So the odds of me being alone in my life look more when I text her and get no reply back ever. When I turn up at her place she vanishes in her room doing just about anything and leaves me alone. But my friends what I live for is - Just few minutes with her, Just a smile on her face and enjoying the pleasure of her company.

But she might have a boyfriend whom she even loves more than I could love her, so there you go. But still that does not stop me from loving her.
There is nothing at all wrong in loving someone even if they do not love you back - Well that is just a thought. So I'll just keep on loving her forever and ever.

Saturday, January 20, 2007


Courage - One Thing You Can't Take Away From Me
A seven letter consisting of a lot of potential that if unleashed will succeed in various directions and win many battles of real life.

Courage - The state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or vicissitudes with self-possession, confidence, and resolution; bravery. This is the definition at

A quality that resides within yourself bearing such power that it could be used entirely at your discretion and will. My grandfather used to say there are two ways of facing life - accept the fact and live happily with a smile on your face. The other way is you moan and blame the fate is not right. Have a frown on the face facing the world. So decission is entirely yours.

I would rather prefer the first option as I believe my fate is already written somewhere. Courage is a gesture towards life that says that I am ready to face you. Courage is such an armour that not many of us have. It has immense potential if shown at the right time and at the right place. Bravery is another side of that coin. This quality that shines on the shoulders of brave soldiers which is even earns the respect from the enemy. Courage shown in the battle has won thousands of wars.

Courage in daily life is seen at plenty of places. To begin with, a confession of one's mistake in front of group of people is courage. To tell someone you are wrong to someone who is far more larger, greater and powerful than you are - This is courage. Telling your Managing Director you are wrong and still making your point through. Proposing a beautiful girl to marry you. Telling the truth at any cost and in all circumstances.

When you face a disastor like earthquake and loose all your loved ones and family, but still carry on living making a fresh start. A couple who had problems to conceive a child, finally get blessed with a boy bearing in mind that they can never have another baby again. Sending this boy to the Armed Forces for service is called Courage. A mother who is crying, after losing he four sons in Second World War, not to the fact because she has lost them but that she has no more sons to send to serve the nation - This is Bravery.
Courage makes us Bold.

Moulds a person to face any situation in life. Courage becomes the backbone of any pursuit. It makes you powerful enough to stand up to something to which you do not agree. Live life with full confidence and courage and see the results. One trusts other but forgets trusting one's own self. Never ever in life loose your own self confidence.
Trust thy Self.

Your Courage is one thing that would never leave you and no one can steal it from you. Courage enables you to make your dreams come true. Courage obtained in any form thrusts you towards success. This success transforms into encouragement, making you think even more bigger possibilities. Hence Success becomes Courage driving you towards a new bigger Goal of Life.

I would say at this juncture, do something new what you have not tried before in your life.
Be Brave, Be Courageous Make Your Dreams Come True!
Motivation is not anywhere else. It resides within yourself. You are the source of your own success in life. If it was not for you yourself then you would not have succeeded and lived so many years. Life gives you very few opportunities to be Brave and show Courage, if one misses this chance than he is not worth it. Courage is the best ally one can possibly ask for.

Life or Fate is fair most of time in throwing things at you. Life would never throw something that you cannot face it with Courage and overcome it. Even to acheive the love of your life you have to be brave enough to approach it, face the nerve wrecking moment and win it. One of my loved one says - "One Man With Courage Makes Majority"

Face Life With Courage Within.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Saying No Hurts - Ouch !!

The only time it hurts to say NO is while you are saying that to your loved one or the thing which you love. Most of us had that feeling either once or more than once.

The other person suffers more that we do, most of the time. It is a feeling of helplessness that arises when we hear the NO. It feels like end of the world.
Why did my ears ever listened the words? Why???
One of the most miserable feeling one can ever feel is when a couple in love breaks up. Irrespective of who says the NO, the other suffers but undoubtedly the speaker also goes through the same misery. Responsible for uttering those words leaves that person spell bound is thinking about what state of mind the other one is in.

You feel sick, heart broken, sad, rejected, helpless, miserable, what do I lack?, cry out your heart, separated, removed from, insulted, not loved and what not. The list goes on and on. Nothing gives calmness to mind and heart is restless along with mind. You feel down and don't like anything. The things that used to give you joy no longer bring even a modest smile on your face. You don't talk and start self reflection.

Time the best healer of all wounds!
Time proves to be going slow and nothing seems to be moving. Life as if has come to a stand still. But it is only with time that both these lovers move on. Every life takes its own path and there is destiny for every soul. Lovers and loved ones die, but the soul doesn't and neither does the love that used to be there. Amazingly enough we remember those loved ones at unexpected junctures of life. This could be one of the many possible ends of two loved ones, but there is always love and hope that they would find peace of heart somewhere, if not with each other.

Love Comes To Life As Daffodils Come To Spring
One might think that what would happen to this poor soul. Will this one ever be filled with joy and love again? And answer is given, when one sees that another person enters the life of this deserted heart. Cares for this person, has plenty of patience so that this person gains confidence, helps on every difficult occasion and gives unbiased and undivided attention to this soul. This might eventually turn into a bonding that is termed as platonic love. This love eventually changes the life of a deserted soul which was once down with frustration, dejected and severly hurt. The person brings joy, happiness, peace and content to life. But not many are lucky to have the plesure of Love-Spring after a disastrous Breakup-Winter.

But such is life I guess, still more to explore and more to suffer. Plenty to enjoy and plenty to learn from this wise teaching life. But saying no hurts, hurts a lot.

Sunday, January 07, 2007


One of the essential attributes of a state under international law is external sovereignty—that is, the right to exercise freely the full range of power a state possesses under international law. Recognition of a state as independent necessarily implies that the recognizing states have no legal authority over the independent state. The status of a fully independent state should be contrasted with that of dependent or vassal states, where a superior state has the legal authority to impose its will over the subject, or inferior, state. - from

If the similar aspect is covered in a human's life the fresh and free air is felt in the lungs giving the highest form of self-confidence and trust within an individual. Believe to be free. Be free but be disciplined. The freedom of thought affects the life we live and the world we will create and leave for our children.

Be brave in what you want to do and think freely from any bondings or distractions. Be unbaised and independent in your decessions. After 60 years of Independence India is struggling in few matters of its international borders. There is much to fight for and be there for your country. The independence of India came at a huge price which we cannot afford to pay again; Never again. Trust your country and countrymen. Respect the soldiers that protect the borders and provide you the freedom to live as you wish in India.